Stauffer & Sons is proud to be a Design/Build Contractor. Having said that, you may be wondering what that means exactly, so here goes: Design/Build Contracting is a building process where a builder is involved with every aspect of a construction project from the very beginning of the design process. This is a relatively recent strategy, and has been a major boon to the construction industry, and for homeowners.

Conceptual drawing: the first step
In years past, a more traditional way of approaching a construction project entailed several disconnected steps, including: selecting an architect to draw your plans and specifications, then at a later date, beginning the daunting task of selecting a reliable builder to build your project according to these plans and specifications, and most importantly, to do so within your budget!
It is this final puzzle piece (staying within budget) that proves to be the elusive component of a construction project that is not built in the Design/Build arrangement. This older model (sometimes called “Design/Bid/Build”) leaves room for a potential disconnect between the customer, the architect, and the builder. This disconnect can apply to both the construction methodology of the project as well as, and very commonly, the actual cost of the project vs. the customer’s budget or cost expectations. This potential issue is where the Design/Build process shines: the design process is driven by the builder’s constant feedback to the home owner and architect regarding the products and systems and their costs.
Ultimately, the question you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to design my house in its entirety and then present these plans to a handful of builders in a competitive bid process?” Or would you rather interview a handful of builders, then select the best candidate based on reputation, capability, and chemistry, and only then approach the design process as a team, identifying and optimizing the size, finish, and cost of the project?”

The home above, now completed
It is important to note that this does not discount or marginalize the important role of the architect or designer in this process; far from it. The key to the Design/Build process is to synchronize the efforts or the team members right from the beginning. So whether you bring your architect to us or utilize one of our architect associates, you’ll benefit from picking your team early in the process. We’ve worked with several architectural firms and are happy to make a recommendation for your project based on what your specific needs are.
Feel free to contact us at any time for a recommendation or to further discuss our Design/Build process. We would love to discuss our fully transparent process with you.