Stauffer & Sons has been building custom homes since 1999. In that time, we’ve built homes of all shapes, finishes, colors, and sizes. No two clients are alike, so no two homes we’ve built have been exactly alike either. We don’t have stock floor plans, and we aren’t limited to what we’ve done in the past. Treating every new home as a fun experience and new opportunity to try something new, we never shy away from a challenge.

Andy Stauffer meets with clients to work on their home’s design
We often like to say “building a custom home doesn’t mean everything is gold-plated,” and we feel this is an important distinction. Building a custom home doesn’t mean you have to spend millions of dollars to get exactly what you want: it mainly means that we won’t try to push you into a home that was pre-designed in the past that might not take into account your needs and lifestyle. Instead, building a custom home means we start from the ground up, by asking questions about who you are, how you live your life, and what your family’s needs are, now and in the future. Only after we know the answer to these questions will we be able to build you a home that is completely yours.
This year, to help some of our clients get a better understanding of the kinds of homes we like to build, we’ve created a brand new floor plan gallery of sorts where you can see over twenty examples of homes we’ve built, however, we really like to use these just as a starting point: odds are even if you choose one of these floor plans, the home you end up with will be different in at least a few ways. Just take a look at some of the homes in our photo gallery—we think you’ll agree that we have a wide range of styles and finishes.
Over the years, we’ve developed a smooth process to help make building a custom home as easy as possible for the home owner. We believe building a custom home should be fun, exciting, and hassle-free. Our design/build process of creating a home ensures that we’re in good communication with the home owner, the architect or designer, and the mortgage or insurance company throughout the process so everyone is kept in good communication at all times. If you’d like to learn more about how we design and build homes, just contact us and we’ll be happy to talk more.